Disinfectants and AFNOR standards

La standard NF EN 14885  defines according to use the European standards that a product must meet to be able to claim a microbicidal activity either:

  1. Activity bactéricide : Ability of a product to reduce the number of viable bacterial cells, including the activity tuberculicide The ability of a product to reduce the number of viable cells in the body. Mycobacterium terrae
  2. Mycobactericidal activity: the ability of a product to reduce the number of viable bacterial endospores.  
  3. Activity virucide : ability of a product to reduce the number of viral particles infectious. 

Phase 1 basic standards demonstrate the existence of an activity under the most favourable conditions for the product. 

The phase 2 application standards try to reproduce for each use conditions close to the real conditions.s of use. Interfering substances can be used to simulate dirty conditions. In Phase 2, Step 1 corresponds to in vitro application standards and Step 2 corresponds to application standards that model a use.